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Complete impressions are very important for getting the perfect customised In-Ear Monitor. The ear-piece is moulded to your ears which improves stability and protection within your ear through it's natural fit. This blocks out unwanted sounds and makes the CIEM's more comfortable than universal ear-pieces.


We are able to make full ear impressions in-house for individuals and audiologists. You can send us your impressions. First: please select one of our two booking options:


Option 1: A free consulation - we will discuss with you the process of you are able to sample which CIEM is best for you as well as talk to you about getting your full ear impression made.


Option 2: If you are ready for getting your full ear impression, please select the ‘Ear Impression’ option below. This service costs £30.00.


If you would like to send us you impressions, please visit our Contact Us section to see our mailing address.

EAR IMPRESSIONS: Bookings Widget
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